Saturday, 28 December 2013

Mega Bloks - Halo Series 7

I decided to pick up a Mega Bloks Halo Minifigure to see what they are like, I'm not a big fan of both Mega Bloks or Halo as I haven't played with Halo much but I do like the look of some of the characters. There are 16 to collect much like the Lego series and in total there are 10 common, 5 rares and 1 Ultra Rare. I manged to pick up the rare Covenant Brute Jump pack, which I am quite please with.

The building process for this minifigure is simple but I found the legs were hard to go on and the head doesn't really fit on well. The paint job is okay, though it is ruff around the edges and the gun I think looks great which is probably my favourite part. It comes with a stand which keeps the figure up right and a leaflet
showing the other minifigures in the series you can collect.

I think it is worth picking one up especially if you are a Halo fan, at £2 I don't think its worth it, £1.50 would be a better price for these to be honest.

Saturday, 21 December 2013

AirFix Quick Build - Spitfire Review

Today's review is on the AirFix Quick Build - Spitfire, priced at £9.99 and has nearly 40 pieces. Although I do often stick to Lego when it comes to Bricks, I couldn't resist this set as I am very fond of Aviation and seeing a Spitfire in Building Bricks was something I had to buy. Although to some it may seem expensive at £9.99, which it may be but in my opinion I think its worth it.

The instructions are easy to follow (although I would recommend older people to put your glasses on) and you should have it built in no time. The overall construction is easy and the parts are a high quality which fit together well. The propeller does spin around easily with no resistance and the overall plane is smooth and well shaped.

The final step is to apply the stickers. Unlike most AirFix products they normally use decals but for this they have used stickers. The stickers are easy to apply and with careful patience they should turn your plane into a realistic looking Spitfire. The stand is a simple 3 pieces in which the plane rests on and adds the finishing touche to this set. 

Overall I was very pleased with this set and with Christmas not far away I think it will make a great present for anyone this Christmas.